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About Us

Marion County is the home of Oregon's beautiful capitol, Salem, and is a hub for activity both political and cultural. As Marion County is the hub of Oregon, so too is this website the hub of Marion County.

We believe that the aim of politics is to serve the community by providing them with choices. From policy to leadership, the American system works because the citizens - the voters - are given a choice. Our goal is to present you, as voters, with a viable choice that meets your needs as citizens. 

Please feel free to drop by our suggestion box and let us know what you'd like to see - be it from our party organization, to public legislature, or even an upcoming event you'd like to attend; we'll listen.

Thank you for reading! Welcome to Marion County.

we the people.jpg


The mission of the Marion County Republican Party is three fold, to register republicans, to elect republicans to office and to find good people to register and elect.  This mission is in service to upholding the US constitution and the Oregon Constitution. In addition, represent the interests of 62,000 Marion County Republican voters.

By Laws

In draft, goes into effect November 16, 2023 update: Moved to committee by vote of the Executive Committee, draft due Jan 4, 2024

PCP Manual

Coming Soon


Mailing Address

PO Box 12887

Salem OR 97309

Phone Hours M-F 9am-6pm

(503) 664-7997

Office and Sales

3000 Market St Suite 410








© 2023 by MCR.

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