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Precinct Committee Person

a Precinct Committee Person is an entry level official of the Republican Party. You can represent people that live within a precinct to their county Republican Party. In Marion County, we have a total of 957 PCP positions divided amongst our 118 Marion  County Voting Precincts. We have many openings for PCPs. You can help fill these vacant seats by becoming a PCP.


To be eligible for the office of PCP, you must have a current, active voter registration in the State of Oregon, and you must have been a registered Republican for at least 180 days in any state (with exceptions for voters who are applying within 180 days of their 18th birthday). Your County Elections Office will review and certify the eligibility of all persons seeking the role of PCP.

Elected PCP

You can become an Elected PCP by filing as a Candidate and winning at the Primary Election (held in even-numbered years). You need at least three votes, including your own vote.


As Marion County PCPs you’ll be asked to volunteer on various campaigns in the county, help register voters and volunteer at events such as the Marion County Fair Booth.


All Marion County PCPs are members of the Marion County Republican Central Committee. this is the governoring body of the County Party. As members, PCP are expected to attend Central Committee meetings (typically held 3rd Thursday of the month). Elected PCP also vote in the Party elections

Term of Office

State law specifies in ORS 248.015: The term of office of a precinct committee person is from the 24th day after the date of the primary election until the 24th day after the date of the next following primary election. There is a PCP position for every 250 voters registered in your precinct. PCPs are not considered Public Officers.

Get out the Vote

Get out the Vote (GOTV) activities are done in support of Republican candidates. These include, phone calls to voters, door-knocking, and identifying potential Republican voters and getting them to register.


Mailing Address

PO Box 12887

Salem OR 97309

Phone Hours M-F 9am-6pm

(503) 664-7997

Office and Sales

3000 Market St Suite 410








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